There are numerous reasons why you should purchase an Automated External Defibrillator or AED. These devices are helpful in many medical emergencies and can potentially save many lives. However, when you’re in the market looking to purchase an AED, there are some factors you need to consider.
This article details how to choose the right AED for your needs. There are many features and aspects of Automated External Defibrillators that can be better suited for you.
The Importance of Selecting the Right Manufacturer
AEDs are medical devices that are easy to operate, making them first aid tools worth purchasing. It’s especially helpful to have one in a public area that is crowded with people or in the home of an individual with a medical condition.
Many different manufacturers produce AEDs for commercial use. Some brands are more affordable while others are on the expensive side. Because AEDs can be used by both medical professionals and regular bystanders, different kinds of AED are better suited for a private home than a public area or a medical facility.
When choosing the brand, the first factors that we consider are maintenance and ease of use. Specific brands develop more complex defibrillators and are not as easy to use as others. If you need one for your home, public area, or workplace, go for those with a simpler design. These are designed to be used by inexperienced individuals with no medical training.
AED Ease of Use
Generally speaking, AEDs were designed for reliability in emergencies and can be used by the average layperson. Even if you don’t have any medical training, you will be able to use the Automated External Defibrillator. As its name suggests, it is a device that can determine whether a person needs a shock treatment and then delivers the shocks.
Manufacturers have made things easy by offering semi and fully-automated AEDs that facilitate the process for those without medical training. Semi-automated models will require your intervention – to press a button to deliver the shocks.
Fully-automated models do the whole job. All you will have to do is set it up and place the pads on the victim. Once the AED is attached to the victim, it will determine if a cardiac arrest victim needs a shock and will deliver the shock.
Another point to consider is Wi-Fi. Some AED models allow you to monitor the victim remotely using Wi-Fi. This can also enable the emergency response team to fully understand the victim’s condition.
When searching the market for an AED, it’s important to consider the various features the device comes with. Though it may mean purchasing a more expensive model, owning one with ease of use may be more worthwhile.
AED Maintenance Requirements
Owning an AED means having a device with low maintenance requirements. While it may not require constant upkeep as with other products and devices, not maintaining your AED can affect the defibrillator’s overall performance. As a device used for emergencies and first aid, neglecting to maintain it can severely impact the victim’s chances of survival.
The two main components of an external defibrillator that need to be replaced on a regular basis are the batteries and the pads. AEDs typically use lithium batteries, but the exact type depends on the model. These batteries can last a fairly long time but also have a particular lifespan. On average, the lifespan of an AED battery is 2 to 5 years.
However, we still recommend you check the batteries a few times a year to ensure they won’t let you down during an emergency response. It’s important for the device to have the required reliability.
Pads are another component in need of regular maintenance. We stick the pads to a person’s chest to monitor their heart rate and deliver shock treatment. They are sticky because they have adhesive gel. But this gel has an expiration date and will not be effective.
The electrode pads don’t normally last longer than 30 months and sometimes even less than that. This is due to the chemical components that make up the gel. If the pads are not switched out regularly, you may find yourself with a problem on your hands. As the gel dries over time, the pads will not stick to the victim’s chest, meaning you won’t be able to help them.
Choosing an AED That Is Within Your Budget
AEDs are, for the most part, quite expensive to purchase. The total cost of AEDs varies depending on the manufacturer, the type of device you select, additional accessories, and more. Currently, there are a whole range of external defibrillators that you can buy on the market.
The retail price of AEDs can be anything from $1,100 all the way up to $2,500. Battery and defibrillator pads are included in the cost. The cost may increase if you need to purchase additional pediatric pads to treat children. The provided price range is the initial price of the AED and does not include the replacement of battery and pads, storage unit, and other accessories.
Does Insurance Cover AEDs
With the price of an average AED being quite high, an average household may not be able to afford one. For this reason, consider checking if your insurance covers defibrillators. Keep in mind that this depends on whether certain conditions are met.
In most cases, AEDs will not be covered by insurance companies. They may be eligible for an FSA and HSA, but the actual product cost will remain the same.
Having a complicated medical condition might lead to your insurance company covering the cost of your AED. Your physician must confirm this condition, and the insurance company may consider covering any necessary medical expenses, including the AED purchase.
An exception to the rule is a life-threatening condition that could potentially lead to you going into cardiac arrest or other emergencies. In such cases, insurance companies are most likely to help you cover the cost. To find out more, it’s best to consult with your physician and insurance company.
Purchasing an AED for Public and Office Use
Depending on the AED type and brand, some may be better suited for public areas than private homes. While the number of defibrillators in schools, police and fire stations, and health clubs is growing, the same cannot be said for most workplaces.
Laypeople can operate these AEDs since employees in your workplace probably don’t have any medical training. This makes the device quite valuable during a medical emergency. Unfortunately, most workplaces only have a fire extinguisher and often a singular first aid kit. Having an AED in the workplace can save the life of a colleague until the emergency response team arrives.
States are continuously changing legislation requiring public areas to have an AED installed. This includes schools, airports, shopping malls, etc. Most AEDs in public areas are installed in visible places and preferably fully automatic, allowing bystanders to assist a victim immediately.
Purchasing an AED for Private Use
To purchase an AED for your home, you need to get a physician’s prescription for the type of AED you’ll need. Consider getting a recertified AED. Unlike new external defibrillators, recertified AEDs are used models. These used AEDs have been inspected thoroughly to be recertified and sold once more.
These models are usually ones that customers have either traded or were only used for demonstration purposes. Because they have been used before, they are sold at a much cheaper price. However, they come with a shorter warranty, and there is a likelihood they may not perform as new AEDs would.
Getting The Right Training
AEDs don’t need to be operated by a person with medical knowledge or experience, but it can be helpful to receive AED training. These devices are designed with the average layperson in mind and come with instructions that are easy to follow.
However, if you are planning on purchasing an AED with the intent of using it in an emergency, consider undergoing AED, CPR, and first aid training. It’s always better to receive proper training on using AEDs under the supervision of professional trainers. When it comes to situations where lives are at stake, it’s better to be prepared to handle them.
AEDs are useful medical devices in the office, your home, or a public space. It’s known that they increase the chances of survival in victims suffering a medical emergency.
When choosing the right AED, there are several aspects to consider. Look for ease of use, easy maintenance, and a good price that will fit into your budget. There are many brands to choose from, so consult an expert before buying an AED.
Choosing the right AED will mean delivering the needed help in time.